Spiritual Gifts
Every person can have a role in our ministry at St. Annis, Whether it be singing or ushering at a Sunday or CAYA Service, being part of an outreach ministry or joining the Culinary Ministry, You are called by God to do something! Our goal is to help you connect in a way that matches you with your God given gifts and talents.
The way to get involved at St. Annis is to check out our ministries and attend a new members class. Our new member classes are taught as needed by the Pastor or designate. But before that class, please take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment posted at the links below.
A member of our leadership team will help go over your results and talk with you through to see where you’d like to serve.
*Definition of Gifts
*Spiritual Gift Assessment
*Definition of Gifts and Spiritual Gift Assessments are external resources that may include advertisements. St. Annis Primitive Baptist Church does not endorse any advertisements that may be listed.